I’m on the cover of StudenTalk magazine!

nasser alqatami studentalk magazine cover story new picture

Yes, we just scored our first every cover and it’s all about travel! Studentalk is a monthly publication in Kuwait that is distributed throughout the nation’s Starbucks stores (which are many). It’s available for free here.  Here’s a little excerpt of our interview:

“Traveling serves as a getaway from the routine and enjoying new sceneries. However, if you keep traveling to the same destinations, you will not gain the other pleasurable assets from traveling which is discovering new cultures, enjoying an adventure and obtaining an open mind. Nasser AlQatami, Flight965.com‘s blogger, travelled to different destinations around the world to enlighten the Kuwaiti youth about what to expect while traveling (Not sure about the “enlighten” part). The blog includes hotel visits, touristic places and unique venues that would never cross your mind. Buckle-up, fasten your seatbelt and embark on an journey with Captain Al-Qattami.

What inspired you to start a travel blog?
Well, when the blog launched I was already well-versed in the blog world, in a DIY kind of way. I have started a music blog (LOFT965.com) to some success and learned the ins and outs of blogging. Therefore, I decided to put another hobby of mine to good use. It was a risk because travel journalism is a different animal. Yet, it worked! Also, many people were asking me about travel destinations and suggestions, so I decided to compile it all in one blog. Now, all I have to do, when someone asks me about a destination, is plug in the name in the search engine on Flight965.com and send them the link.

What instigated your passion for traveling? And who supported this passion?
When I was younger, I used to travel with my grandparents all the time. They both had a great passion for world history, politics and culture. Every time I would ask about a country, stemming from my fascination with cartography, they would have many interesting facts to tell me about it. With age, I guess I became intrigued to find out for myself what this world is about and once I started working, I made a pact with myself (and my cousin, Jana) that I will not visit countries I have been to. Now, my outlook has changed, but that period of time really took me on a whirlwind of exploring the world and, most-importantly, self-realization of sorts.”

To read the whole interview click here! 


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