Travel Taste: Kuwait: Boiled Grasshoppers


So, today I had grasshoppers for lunch. I always knew that it was a traditional Kuwaiti dish, but I never knew where to get grasshoppers from. When a family friend sent some home, I was, unsurprisingly, the first one to just at the opportunity. Well, throughout my travels, I have eaten crocodile, frog, snake, ant, worm, scorpion and rabbit — so what’s a little grasshopper. Also, I hear it is rich in protein.

When I was in Madagascar’s southern tip on a volunteer trip with no electricity or civilization, I had to eat really hard baguettes that sometimes had lovely tropical insects in them, it didn’t harm me one bit. You gotta try everything once to know what it’s all about. Basically you peel off all the hard bits which include the legs, head and wings and just indulge in the body. It was salted. It tasted like really soft and mushy lupini beans. You know, the ones that come with an Amstel at mediocre sports bars. The lime slices did come in handy only in making the bowl look like a culinary speciality. Would I do it again – yeah, why not?


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One response

  1. now i really wanna try some!